Please remember that the microSD card you insert in the Mig Flash cart must be formatted in exFAT format.

To backup your games, you will need either Mig Flash Dumper OR a modified Switch with NXdumpTool and the proper parameters you can find below.

Using Mig Dumper:

  1. Insert game card into the dumper slot
  2. Plug in dumper to PC with USB cable
  3. Mass storage device will appear, with a folder XXX.xci
  4. Copy XXX.xci folder to create a game backup

MigDumpTool Instructions:

  1. Launch MigDumpTool using the Homebrew Menu. Use the D-Pad / Sticks to move, A to select an element, and B to go back.
  2. Select the "OUTPUT STORAGE" element to change the output storage device:
    • micro SD card: dumped data is saved to the MigDumpTool folder in the microSD card root.
    • PC: dumped data is saved to a PC connected to the Nintendo Switch console using a USB-C to USB-A cable. The PC must be running the nxdumptool host program.
    • USB storage: connect your USB and wait until it appears on the list, then select it with A. Dumped data is saved to the root. We recommend using the flashcard's exFAT microSD card with a USB Card Reader to dump gamecard data directly to it.
  3. (Optional) Select the "ADVANCED OPTIONS" element to control which files are generated by the dump process.
  4. Select the "EASY ONE CLICK DUMP" element and wait until the dump process finishes. The folders created by MigDumpTool already follow the format required by the flashcard.


NXdumpTool Instructions:

You will need a (hacked) Switch which can run the homebrew application NXdumpTool. You will need the latest rewrite release version of NXdumpTool.

To make a complete ROM dump you must select and dump the following 5 files:

  • Gamecard image (xci)
  • Gamecard initial data
  • Gamecard certificate
  • Gamecard card id set
  • Gamecard card uid

When dumping XCI, select no for "prepend key data" and "keep certificate", as it is currently convention to keep these in separate files. We recommend dumping via USB as this is the easiest way to dump.

After dumping the files, the files should have this structure:

  • XXX.xci
  • XXX (Initial Data).bin
  • XXX (Certificate).bin
  • XXX (Card ID Set).bin
  • XXX (Card UID).bin

To further organize files per ROM, you may also create a folder XXX.xci, and place all the files in there:

  • XXX.xci (directory)
  • XXX.xci (file)
  • XXX (Initial Data).bin
  • XXX (Certificate).bin
  • XXX (Card ID Set).bin
  • XXX (Card UID).bin

Mig Flash also supports split XCI format as dumped by nxdumptool when dumping to microSD. A split XCI is a .xci folder, containing sequential files 00, 01, and so on. The BIN files must not be placed next to the sequential files as they will be ignored.


/XXX.xci (folder)
/XXX.xci/00 (file)
/XXX.xci/01 (file)
/XXX (Certificate).bin

Or from a subdirectory:

/A.xci/XXX.xci (folder)
/A.xci/XXX.xci/00 (file)
/A.xci/XXX.xci/01 (file)
/A.xci/XXX (Certificate).bin

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